Sunday 31 May 2015

927, 928

927, 928,

By Josh W, Bexley Grammar School in Kent

Isn't it lovely, seeing an elephant
Larking in the sun.
Also with their children,
Exploring life, never knowing
What's going to happen next.
They stop to grab a drink,
From a stream that ran through the jungle
One of the baby elephants gets distracted,
Wandering over to a piece of fruit.
Clueless, excited, not knowing what's going to happen next.
The mother has already experienced child death
Through poaching
She has seen it before, a young elephant,
Being bated, reeled into wickedness,
The mother sees, she feels horror, 
Desperately trying to warn her child, from death
She cries with all her heart, screaming,
The baby gets scared and panics,
She runs frantically then, snap!
The mother never saw her baby, again...

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