Sunday 23 March 2014


The Phoenix tree

Arendelle and Arielle lived on Rocky Creek in a small castle. Arielle loved picking apples and oranges in their lovely, fresh, green  garden. Arendelle spends most of the time doing art, pictures and sketching famous people. One spring day, Arendelle realised something strange was happening! She looked  in Arielle’s bed. Arielle was green in the face.  It could not be! Arielle was sick, Arendelle had to go to the Phoenix tree to cure her, but the Phoenix tree was so far away. How could she get there ?

Soon after Arendelle had left the safety of the castle, she was lost. The forest had captured her in the deep darkness. She shivered and the cold hit her like a rushing river. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge grey giant came crashing and stomping out of the darkness. Arendelle gasped. It had a very long nose and big flappy ears. “It’s an elephant!!” She cried. To her surprise the elephant swung his great big trunk and picked her up. He plopped her onto his rough back. Arendelle screamed “Where are you taking me?” The elephant just walked off into the wood.

After hours and hours, finally the elephant stopped and put her on the floor. Arendelle felt tired but she could not give up on her sister. She had to find the Phoenix tree. She looked around. Where was she? The elephant seemed to want her to follow him, so Arendelle did. Finally they reached a clearing. She looked around and she saw...Oh it could not be... the Phoenix tree!

Sasha Erenburg, aged 7, Kensington

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