OK, guys, something really wonderful arrived in the post this week.
We received a drawing...
WE RECEIVED A DRAWING FROM NONE OTHER THAN NATIONAL TREASURE JOANNA LUMLEY, OBE (see photo, on the off chance that you don't know who Joanna Lumley is.
And if you don't know who she is then you need to change that because she's glorious and you should get up to speed with all of her work immediately (including The New Avengers, Absolutely Fabulous and The Wolf of Wall Street).
And look at the drawing. LOOK. AT. IT. Isn't it the most loveliest?!
It made us so dizzyingly happy that we haven't stopped smiling since it came through the door of Elephant for Elephant Towers earlier this week. What a charming, magnificent human creature she is, right?! We just don't know what to do about it all; we're utterly verklempt.
Thank you so very, very much Ms Lumley, it means more to us than you ever could imagine.